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Yn San Siôr rydym ni’n cydbwyso gofynion y cwricwlwm ar yr un pryd â rhoi cyfleoedd i blant gael cymaint o brofiadau uniongyrchol â phosib. Rydym ni’n credu y gall defnyddio’r byd naturiol fel adnodd arwain at safonau uchel lle mae plant yn ymfalchïo yng Nghymru a’r byd o’u cwmpas ac yn teimlo cariad at ddysgu.

Trwy gwricwlwm creadigol ac uchelgeisiol rydym ni’n meithrin ac yn datblygu ein disgyblion i feddwl drostyn nhw eu hunain ac i ragori ar eu disgwyliadau; rydym ni’n cydnabod cyfyngiadau 4 wal yr ystafell ddosbarth fel amgylchedd dysgu a’r cyfleoedd mae’r amgylchedd ehangach yn eu cyflwyno.

At San Siôr we balance the demands of the curriculum while giving children the opportunities to have as many first-hand experiences as possible. We believe that the use of the natural world as a resource can result in high standards where children take pride in Wales and the world around them and a love of learning.


Through a creative and aspirational curriculum we nurture and develop our pupils to think for themselves and to exceed their expectations; realising the limitations of the 4 walls of the classroom as a learning environment and the opportunities that the wider environment holds.

Christian values underpin our approach to the curriculum as we gain a greater understanding of faith via first hand experiences of the natural world. We encourage and promote entrepreneurial skills which develop each child's creativity allowing them to reach their full potential and become ethically informed citizens of Wales and the World

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